Life is way too serious. And I feel like blogging can become this “look at my perfect life” kind of scenario. I hope I’m more transparent than that. But if not, here are some really awesome outtakes of Hudson and I. Because this is our real life: crazy faces, boogers, crying toddlers, confusion, and lots of double chins.

Adorable! Thank you for sharing the 'real' you! 🙂
Hahaha! I LOVE this.The look on your face in the turquoise sports bra is very "WTH, who told you to take my picture?"!
how cute! This pics are still pretty awesome IMO lol
How old is you little munchkin? I love your swim suit and cute pics.
Aww love it! He is so cute!
I love this!! Your out takes are amazing – you still look awesome in them all. The one with the bathing-suit to me your like "Psh.. I don't know what he is mad at.. We are getting our vacation on".