Workouts: Well we got the stomach bug this week so I took 3 days off. But between my gym membership, the hiking/running trails around our house, and my home gym I’ve made up for it. Still trying to put some muscle back on.
Hormones: Just a sappy, mushy lady over here. If I have a spare minute, you’ll find me watching videos of Hudson as a baby. And crying.
Overall: Besides the stomach bug disgustingness, this week has been great! Except for my new craving. It makes me shudder just to write this: I want everything cherry. Fresh cherries, cherry-flavored slushies, cherry ice cream, cherry gum, EVERYTHING CHERRY. And the non-pregnant me? Loathes cherry. With every fiber of her being. But holy toledo batman it’s so good to this pregnant me. My cheat this past week was a Sonic cherry slushie with nerds in it. Just sugar-high heaven.
How fun to read! I have no kiddos yet, but I long for the days of cravings and baby kicks someday in the near future. Thanks for sharing your pregnancy journey!
Congratulations!!! Such an exciting time I loved this update