This post is sponsored by Maxi-Cosi. I only work with brands I love so thank you for helping me to support them!

I’ve talked about this amazing car seat before, but let me cover it again. The only car seat you need to buy for your kid from 0-10 years old is the Maxi-Cosi Magellan. Yes you read that right! It grows with your child from newborn to 10 years old!! Finally no more need to buy a newborn, a convertible, and then a booster seat. This is everything you need in one seat.

Now you know we love to travel, and that means we spend A LOT of time in the car. That being said, of course my biggest concern is the kids safety. Which is why Maxi-Cosi is the only car seat brand we’ve used since Hudson was born. I truly believe in this brand and trust them to keep both of my little loves safe. Many of you know this, but 2 years ago I was in a terrible wreck with both kids and they walked away unscathed. All because of their Maxi-Cosi car seats. Now I have both of them in the Magellans and love that Henley is in the convertible and Hudson is in the booster version. It makes all of our backseat adventures that much more fun that I don’t have to worry if, goodness forbid, we were to get in another wreck. I know my babies are safe in their Maxi-Cosi car seats.

So let’s talk about what sets the Magellan apart. Not only does it go from newborn to convertible to booster seat, but it also has torso adjust. For the first time you have the ability to adjust the torso up or down to maximize side impact protection. The structure of the seat also prevents kids from slumping over, which can cause issues both in an accident and in everyday use.

The best news? It’s on sale!! Click here to shop!
What a great car seat! I love that it’s so easily adjustable and also easy to install. Car seats have been the confusing bane of parents everywhere for years. LOL
The ease of use with this car seat really impresses me. I don’t know what it is about car seats, but they have historically been the hardest of all child gear to operate correctly. This is a nice change.
My uncle is looking for a new car seat. Will suggest him to check out Maxi-Cosi. Btw she is so adorable! 🙂
I love the easy installation for this especially. It really is nice to see a car seat that doesn’t make you wanna pull your hair out to install lol
Looks like your daughter really enjoys the maxi cosi car seat.
I have fallen for your kid first. Love her smile. And now I am falling for the seat cover. It has some wonderful features.
The car seat looks so amazing! I know my niece will enjoy it for sure!
So timely! We’re actually thinking of buying a new car seat! How much was it again?
That is a nice car seat! Your story made me really believe in the safety features of this seat. It must have been a scary thing for you and the kids! Anyway, I will let my daughter know about this. They are a traveling family and they need to ensure their children’s safety on the road every inch of the way.
This looks like a great carseat option! Our first child came early and we didn’t research any seats, just went with the evenflow. it’s ok, but this one looks way more comfortable.
Such a great car seat. Safety for little ones is key!
As car seats go, this is as good as it gets. I bet she never wants to get out!
Wow, that is an awesome seat. Keeping the kids comfy in the car is really what it is all about!
Its a multi-purpose and all in one car seat. I can say Maxi-Co is the best buy. WIll surely share this
Sounds like a winner to me!
This car seat seems amazing!! I love the photos you took btw
Installation can be a nightmare. Awesome that these are so simple!
Perfect timing in looking for a car seat for my little one!