Happily Hughes | Atlanta Fashion & Lifestyle Content Creator

Rebuilding After Divorce: Finding the Perfect House and Renovating it with my Kids

Can I just start off by telling y’all that it’s been a wild few years? Now let me backtrack to when we filed for divorce. I had no idea all the repercussions that were going to come with it. The day after I announced my divorce, my agency dropped me.  Throughout the next couple weeks, several brands canceled contracts with me.  It never even occurred to me that I would be penalized for going through a divorce.  That brands and agencies wouldn’t want to work with me as a single mom.  It’s something I am actively trying to change in the industry to this day.

The kids and I this summer. They are who I do it all for!

At the time, however, I thought “what the hell am I going to do?!” but instead of letting this get me down, I did the “unthinkable” and started talking openly about my experience with divorce on my platform. And guess what? It attracted a ton of new audience to my page because (shocker), I wasn’t the only one going THROUGH. IT. 

Eventually, things started falling into place. I was building my business back up, we were all healing and made it to a good place as a family, co-parenting and all.  Once the dust settled, I thought that it was the perfect time to start looking for a house. I had my eye on a certain neighborhood for years. And then it happened – a house popped up for sale, and as soon as I saw the checkerboard flooring, I knew it was the one for me. It reminded me so much of the house on Clueless!

I mean…..look at those floors!

The house was severely neglected, but the structure was perfect for the kids and me. It had tons of natural light, an easy flow for having friends over, and even an extra room for a playroom. It needed a lot of work, but we knew it would be worth it when it was done. 


Replying to @uncletbone11 this is what the house looked like when I moved in….#homedecor #homerenovation

♬ original sound – happilyhughes

2022 turned out to be an insane year. We bought the house, moved, started renovating it, I found a new partner, went on some incredible trips away and more. Even though we were living in chaos for a while, the kids and I bonded! They loved having input on the design for the house, and it was great to see their creativity and personalities shine through.

We couldn’t have done it without Tori from Vivace Design. I had an idea of what I wanted, but she really brought it to life. She helped us with everything from choosing the perfect shade of paint for the living room to designing a dreamy kitchen. I’m so grateful for her expertise and vision.









The final look of the living room. 

The final look of the kitchen... seriously my dream kitchen!

The renovation process was not without its challenges. There were moments of frustration and exhaustion, but we pushed through. And when I say it was all worth it when we saw the finished product, I’m not lying. The house was transformed into a beautiful and cozy home that reflects our personalities and style.

One of my favorite parts of the renovation process was seeing my kids’ faces light up when they saw their new rooms. They were so excited to have a say in the design, and it was amazing to see their creativity come to life.

Henley’s room…clearly she’s a girl after my own heart.

Now, we have a home that we love and are proud of. It’s not just a house, it’s a reflection of our journey as a family. Every corner has a story, and every room is filled with memories. It’s a symbol of resilience, perseverance, and love.

I can’t wait to share more about the renovation process in a future blog post. We’ll show you some before and after photos, share some design tips, and maybe even show you some of our favorite DIY projects. 

Like I said earlier, rebuilding after a divorce is not easy, but it’s possible. It takes time, effort, and resilience, and trusting that you will get through. And let me tell you, the rewards are worth it. If you’re going through a difficult time, remember that it’s not the end. It’s just the beginning of a new chapter.

If you want to hear more about my divorce story, I have an entire playlist on tiktok about it.  

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