Happily Hughes | Atlanta Fashion & Lifestyle Content Creator

Oshkosh Bgosh fashion

Baby & Toddler Spring Outfit Ideas With OshKosh B’Gosh

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It’s no secret that we’re big OshKosh fans around here, and with Spring right around the corner mama needed to go shopping!  I found some spring outfit ideas for the kids, and the best part is I really got bang for my buck.

Baby and Toddler Spring Outfit Ideas with Oshkosh B’Gosh

Children spring outfit ideas with OshKosh B'Gosh Children spring outfit ideas with OshKosh B'Gosh

I really love the Baby B’Gosh line.  They’re great staple pieces that a child can grow with.  I was sad when Hudson grew out of their biggest size- a 4T.  They just extended the line to 5T, which means I can order him more adorable clothes! 

Children spring outfit ideas with OshKosh B'Gosh Children spring outfit ideas with OshKosh B'Gosh

Here are some of my OshKosh B’Gosh favorites for girls: 

Children spring outfit ideas with OshKosh B'Gosh Children spring outfit ideas with OshKosh B'Gosh

Here are some of my favorites for boys:

There’s even better news- I’ve got a coupon for you.  You can even print this out and use it in store.

If you’re looking for an OshKosh store near you, you can check the locator app here.

Children spring outfit ideas with OshKosh B'Gosh

19 thoughts on “Baby & Toddler Spring Outfit Ideas With OshKosh B’Gosh”

  1. I didn’t know Oshkosh was still around! These outfits are super cute and if i had a toddler, i’d be buying them. I love bright colours on kids, especially boys. Boys clothes can be pretty boring.

  2. Oh man, they are all so adorable!! I dont have any babies of my own but they would make cute gifts for a birthday or any occasion.

  3. Oshkosh clothes are pretty good and durable! We have a few pieces that we’ve gotten from garage sales and they’ve lasted quite well! Kid’s clothes are awesome, it’s just sad that they grow out of them so quickly!

  4. goddd thy are so adorable <3 i always buy clothes from carters and oshkosh for my son , i just love them <3

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  6. This is really lovely/ The kids look adorable. It is so positive and fresh. The plaid heaven look is the best.

  7. Osh Kosh really has some of the cutest clothes for the kids and it’s always nice to check out their new line every season! These are adorable! It makes me miss shopping for my twins when they were little!

  8. Such cute outfits…and models! lol Oshkosh is such a great line of clothing for kids. I absolutely love the top and leggings outfit and it makes me desperate for spring!

  9. Too cute. Almost makes me want to have another baby… almost but not quite. These are adorable and they look very ready for warmer weather.

  10. How adorable!!! I loved dressing my kids in OshKosh when they were younger. The quality was great. One of my dolls is actually wearing a pair of OshKosh shorts.
    My favorite from your list are the suspenders set hands down. Oh how I love a dapper little lad. 🙂

  11. These baby girl outfits are very cute and fashionable. Kids like to wear these type of clothes such an awesome stuff, thanks for sharing with us.

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