Happily Hughes | Atlanta Fashion & Lifestyle Content Creator

Huddy’s 18 Month

My oh my do I love being this kid’s mom and today he turns 18 months!  And while I’m sad it’s all going by so fast, I am so enjoying this age.  Yes he has temper tantrums, but for the most part they are few and far between.  He is so adventurous, active, talkative, inquisitive, and above all sweet.  He is constantly giving me kisses or hugs, and will just come over and wrap those sweet chunky arms around my neck for a quick hug.  
He also REALLY loves his pups.  So much so that he ripped off his diaper and climbed in while I was bathing them.  Which is a common issue around this house- keeping diapers and items of clothing on.  He would much prefer to run around naked or at least bottomless.  However, when he does put clothes on he says “niiiiiice” and smiles at me, because I’m always saying “Oh Huddy you look so nice!”  
The joy this child finds in learning and exploring new things makes my heart soar.  We got a membership to the aquarium because he loves going so much.  He could sit for an hour in front of the Beluga exhibit if we let him- which is amazing because he won’t sit for 5 minutes for anything else!  We’re also still going outside every day (weather permitting) for at least a walk, if not a hike or a play date at the park.  I think being outside in fresh air is one of the best things for a growing child. 
His list of favorite activities is constantly growing, but the top are: finger painting, cooking, sweeping, hiking, visiting the aquarium, playing catch with the dogs, and snuggling up with a good book or movie.  Yes, I let him watch movies.  Get over it.  He’s also loving these apps for the iPad: any Dr. Seuss book, Baby’s Musical Hands, Bubl Gelato, Busy Shapes, Moo Baa La La La, and Five Little Monkeys.

5 thoughts on “Huddy’s 18 Month”

  1. Marli is about 2 months older than him, but it just keeps getting better and better! It's amazing how much they learn EVERY DAY and pick up on things from things you teach them and just by watching you. I wish I could hit the 'pause' button all. the. time! 🙂 I hope you didn't have to deal with the 18-month sleep regression period…I wouldn't wish it on any mom :/ PS – Those converse shoes are sooo adorable.

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