Happily Hughes | Atlanta Fashion & Lifestyle Content Creator

Cross Training Couture Fitness Pregnancy

29 Week Bump Update

Fall Maternity Style with Envie de Fraises

So full blown freak out has officially occurred.  I’m having a baby in 11-ish weeks and NOTHING is ready.  Nothing.  I have 3 rooms fully unpacked and organized, no nursery to speak of, and we’re still eating at the island in the kitchen because I can’t pick out a dang dining room table.  Not to mention the holidays are right around the corner.  HELP!  

I think nesting has kicked in because I’m not sleeping very well and I constantly want to clean up the house.  And buy all the organizational boxes.  And wash all the clothes.  And color coordinate the closets.  Haha you get it right?  Hoping to channel all this extra energy next week to get this house in shape!  

Workouts:  Still going!  If you read my post yesterday with Nutrimom, you’ll know I had some extreme lethargy and bruising early last week.  But because of diet changes and sleeping more, my exercise has gotten back to normal.  AND I’ve met the sweetest pregnant ladies at my gym!  We’re like this little tribe of round-bellied exercise addicts.  It’s awesome.  We take classes together, get smoothies afterwards, or just cheer each other on in the weight area with a high five or smile.  

Hormones: Nesting mode like a mad woman! 

Overall: Great!  So excited to meet this sweet nugget.

Cross Training Couture Fitness Pregnancy

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16 thoughts on “29 Week Bump Update”

  1. You look great! I would love some workout tips. I’ve always been a runner and it’s been killing my back to run lately. Is it my shoes? Do I have to switch to elliptical workouts? I’m also at 27 weeks and would love your advice. Exercise is SO great to keep up when you’re pregnant, but not to the expense of pain!

    Congratulations 🙂

  2. You are the cutest pregnant lady ever. Don’t worry if everything is not done, and just let people help you. Easier said than done, I know. Enjoy these last few weeks and relax a little too.

  3. Oooh…nesting mode. I bet you are making everything so super fabulous. And again – you look AMAZING woman!
    xx, Karen

  4. You are glowing in the final throes of a beautiful pregnancy… You look fantastic. Stay calm and comfy… 🙂

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