Happily Hughes | Atlanta Fashion & Lifestyle Content Creator

How to Have a Healthy Pregnancy Nutrimom

How to Have a Healthy Pregnancy

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Nutrimom for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.

How to Have a Healthy Pregnancy NutrimomSo it’s been two weeks since I last posted about Nutrimom and I have so much more to tell you!  I had my initial meeting with my personal coach, and we’ve been working on my nutrition, sleeping, and exercise routines.  Even though I’m a personal trainer, it’s been great having someone else’s point of view.  Especially someone who’s a reigstered dietician and knows exactly what I need to stay healthy for this babe.  


My biggest issues as of late have been extreme fatigue and bruising.  I feel like a zombie during the day and have been seeing an increases of bruising all over my body.

 How to Have a Healthy Pregnancy Nutrimom

My coach, Angela, has been so good about answering my emails and sending over relevant data.  She really listened to my concerns and helped me work out a plan to get feeling as good as possible.  Both the fatigue and bruising can be tied to low Iron, which I had verified by my doctor.  Even though I make sure to eat plenty of Iron in my daily meals, my body just needs more when it’s growing a human.  So I’ve started an Iron supplement to help.  She also suggested I implement a work cut-off time every night to make sure I’m getting enough sleep.  So come hell or high water I am done on my computer at 11:00 and I wake up at 6:00.

 How to Have a Healthy Pregnancy Nutrimom

Both of these changes have been HUGE for me.  And I know these changes had to happen for me to have a healthy pregnancy for both me and bump. My favorite part of the program, and what seems to help me the most are the articles and follow-ups sent by my coach. She checks in on me every couple of days, and also sends me articles relevant to any issues I’m having. This is both holding me accountable AND keeping me informed. If I have a spare moment or two, I even browse the numerous articles available on the Nutrimom library. You can never be too informed, right?

How to Have a Healthy Pregnancy Nutrimom

One more aspect I didn’t cover in my last article is that Nutrimom also offers their own nutritional products. From prenatal vitamins to healthy on-the-go snacks- there’s plenty to keep you fit and healthy this pregnancy.  

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16 thoughts on “How to Have a Healthy Pregnancy”

  1. YOU are so inspiring lady! You look amazing and clearly are being crazy healthy and fit! Love the braids, too! 😉
    xx, Karen

  2. Great tips it is awesome when I see women staying so active while pregnant. I had no energy so sleep was my exercise both pregnancies. Thankfully I ate healthy and didn’t gain too much weight and had healthy happy babies.

  3. I too have tried to remain as active as possible throughout my pregnancy. I’m really starting to slow down now that I’ve 34 weeks pregnant, but I keep reminding myself that any activity is better than none at all. And how ironic on the timing of your post – I just wrote about fit pregnancy tips yesterday!

  4. First of all, like everyone else already said, you look amazing! And you are such an inspiration to all pregnant women! I remember being so tired all the time – and hungry, I was sooo hungry I could have eaten all the time! haha
    Happy Thursday xxx

  5. Wow, I had no idea low iron could lead to bruising. I’m glad you’re taking care of yourself during your pregnancy. It’s not only good for you, but for the little one too!

  6. Props to you for taking care of your body while another grows inside of you! 🙂 I am always so inspired by women who stay active during their pregnancy. Here’s to a happy and healthy pregnancy 🙂

  7. Pingback: 29 Week Bump Update · Happily Hughes

  8. I wish I had so,etching like this when I was pregnant, sounds like it will make it so much easier to stay very healthy throughout the entire pregnancy.

  9. Great tips and I love that despite your own knowledge you are open to getting feedback from others. That can be so important some times to help us see things we did not notice or think of when it comes to our own lifestyles.

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