Happily Hughes | Atlanta Fashion & Lifestyle Content Creator

Maternity Style Lolly Clothing

31 Week Bump Update

Maternity Style Lolly Clothing
Lolly Clothing dress- the rest of the outfit can be found at the end of this post.

First, let me just say this is one stubborn baby!  We’ve gone in twice to the ultrasound place to get a good picture of her and both times she rolls over so we can’t see her!  All we know is she has some sweet fat feet, a head full of hair, and a cute little butt.  She’s pretty set on being a surprise for us and I can not wait to see her face!!  And just kiss all over it.  

Secondly, my body is now in pregnancy revolt.  Haha!  Heartburn, sleepless nights, and extreme PGP (pelvic girdle pain).  My doctor has put me on bed rest for the next week, which means I may just lose my mind. If you haven’t had PGP, let me explain it to you- it hurts.  Like A LOT.  I have a pretty high pain threshold, and kept telling my doctor “something’s not right” but they just thought it was pelvic pressure from carrying this babe so low.  Well after explaining my symptoms AGAIN they finally took me seriously and I went in to get diagnosed.  PGP is mild to severe pain in your pelvic region.  It hurts to squat, lunge, walk up stairs, turn over in bed, or even get out of the car.  Mine was so severe after my 10k I couldn’t stand up by myself.  So if you’re having any sort of pelvic discomfort, go in and get diagnosed ASAP.  Besides taking it easy, sleeping with a pillow between your legs (like the Bump Nest I’ve mentioned before), prenatal massages, and even a chiropractor may be helpful.  Just talk to your doctor before hand! 

Maternity Style Lolly Clothing

I’ve also gotten asked by several fellow preggers if Hudson’s been extra clingy lately.  Um yes is an understatement.  He has to be holding my hand or laying on me at all times.  The only thing that seems to help with this is a lot of outside play.  Other than that I’ve been napping with him, holding him until he falls asleep, and trying to love on him as much as possible.  This may not be the right way to handle it, but it’s working for us.  I know, he knows that something big is coming and I think it scares him.  So if it’s extra loving he needs, it’s extra loving he gets.  

Maternity Style Lolly Clothing

Exercise: pretty explanatory- not a damn thing.  Obviously I’m a bit peeved about it. 

Hormones: not so great because of the lack of exercise but not terrible. 

Overall: A-ok!  Just focusing on resting a lot this week.

Maternity Style Lolly Clothing
Lolly dress (nonmaterntiy) and Lily Jade Co bag!

25 thoughts on “31 Week Bump Update”

  1. Oh no mama! Thanks for letting us know about this. I hope the pain lessens so you can move around a little more. Hudson is so sweet! I’m sure he feels/senses a big change coming soon so that explains his clinginess. Marli has been kind of the same way but I have been soaking it all up with her while I can. Hugs!

  2. I hear ya when it comes to PGP pain. I think you and I are exactly the same week’s pregnant. I am 32 weeks on Friday. I am also having a girl. Your photos are so cute. The PGP pain is ridiculous. It hurt so much that I was walking and moving so differently to ease the pain that I actually threw my back out! Needless to say, just like you said, the chiropractor has really helped with my PGP pain. Good luck with feeling better.

  3. Hate to hear that you’re on temporary bed rest…that’s never any fun. I was on bed rest with my daughter from the 6th month until delivery! Thankfully, pregnancy with our last baby and this one is going well but I must say that the pelvic pain in crazy at times! I pray that the rest helps you & that you’re able to get back to normal soon. And for your little…it’s never a bad idea to give them love! Take care!
    -Natasha | http://www.lovelyyoublog.com

  4. Well you look beautiful!! Right there with you… In theast week I’ve experienced some seriously intense pain in my rib cage that feels like being stabbed and awful back pain. The dr says it’s “normal.” 🙁

  5. Such a cute bump and outfit! That stinks about the pain and not beign able to work out { I was doing squats at 39 weeks and walked to the hospital at 8 cm ha}. I couldn’t sit still! YOu look fab though… take it easy and enjoy the cuddles!

  6. You look so so amazing…I’ve said it before and I will say it again. 😉 This color looks amazing on you too and I love the monochromatic look.

    Brooke | KBStyled

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