Happily Hughes | Atlanta Fashion & Lifestyle Content Creator


Ab Separation & Postpartum Workout – The Ultimate Diastasis Recti Test

This post is sponsored by Premier Protein.  I only work with brands I love, so thank you for helping me to support them. It only took me 3 months but I’ve finally written this post!  Ab Separation, also called Diastasis Recti, is a condition that needs to be diagnosed more […]

Ab Separation & Postpartum Workout – The Ultimate Diastasis Recti Test Read More »

how to check for ab separation

Delicious & Healthy Strawberry Chocolate Muffins Recipe

Ya’ll asked for more recipes, so here’s another favorite of ours!  I’ve been playing around with this strawberry chocolate muffins recipe for a bit.  Strawberries can be tricky because they can make the muffins too moist.  But I finally figured it out!  Here is my Healthy strawberry chocolate muffins recipe

Delicious & Healthy Strawberry Chocolate Muffins Recipe Read More »

delicious healthy muffins for the whole family
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